A short homeless story/ O poveste scurta despre oamenii fara adapost


Varianta in limba romana

A short homeless story

homeless_man_on_streetWhat does a homeless person signify to you?

Sometimes it might signify someone who tries to take advantage of you, other times a person who ran out of luck. Sometimes nothing, as you pass him by, seeing him as just another piece of the background.

I’ve had a lot of encounters with homeless people, of all sorts. I don’t make a habit out of giving them all money, only to those my intuition (or instinct, if you will) is telling me that they need it. And I do that especially with those who don’t ask.

Today I was waiting in the bus station to take Continue reading

How to plant a tree illegally

Planting trees on the boulevard - Razvan CosteaToday I decided to plant a tree on the side of the street I live on, although I know it’s illegal.

Actually, it’s not a street, it’s a busy boulevard that connects with one of the main highways out of the city.

I started doing this planting stuff 3 years ago, after seeing Continue reading

Getting ill – Good or Bad?

illnessYou may wonder: how can an illness be good?

And you may be curious to find out. Let me see if I can shed some light on your question.

The vast majority of us suffer from an illness of some sort. Be it something like allergies, obesity, constipation to more serious conditions, like diabetes, cancer or AIDS.

I have a vast history with illness, 20 years of suffering from a chronic gastro-intestinal disorder.

All those years of having it I kept wondering: “What is the cause of it?”

In my case, Continue reading

What happens while you wait for life to happen


Being a small coffee shop owner and waiting for your customers to walk in.

Being a newsstand employee, waiting for somebody to buy a paper or a magazine from you.

Being an office employee, waiting for your boss to give you something to work on for the day.

Waiting. Just waiting.

Meanwhile, life passes you by. Amazing opportunities fly by.

All that’s left for you is wait. For the next customer, for the next task. Until you retire.

You wonder then: What happened with my life? Was it worth spending it waiting? For what? Money? Security? Certainty?

And you regret. You regret all that lost time.


But there’s something you can do to prevent that. There’s something you can do NOW.

Do something today that you’ve never done before, or that scares you.

It’s so simple…..

Forget waiting, and just LIVE!



Life is like a game of golf:

When someone distracts you when you’re about to take a swing, you might hit the ball the wrong way and send it to the trees instead of the green.

All golf players know that it takes time and energy to get the ball out of there.

Your life is basically the same: any distraction that gets your attention takes you away fromyour path, from what you want.

Actually, most people find it very challenging to concentrate on what they want without being distracted. It’s just a matter of time until they get off track, but, with a little work and dedication, it can be done, you can keep focused.

Imagine one day waking up in a good mood, Continue reading

The concepts of “Good” and “Bad”

I believe there is no darkness, only the absence of light.

I believe that there is no bad, no wrong. There is only a stream of wellness passing through everything and everyone. I call it “THE RIVER OF LIGHT”.

This river represents the vibrations you respond to, the things you love to do, the objects you like and the people you care about, and anything else that gives you a positive state of mind.

This river, although invisible, is visible to us all during our entire life.

Despite this, most of us, the overwhelming majority, choose to watch it from the banks, from a distance, while just a few choose to jump in and be one with themselves and the Universe.

That handful of people represents those who change the world. Because of them the world has evolved, because of the Einsteins, the Edisons and all those who chose to listen to their inner voice and feelings instead of acting upon the opinions of others and the patterns set by society.

I believe that “bad” is just a word we choose to represent the lack of good, “wrong” – the lack of right, “negative” – the lack of positive.

There really is no negative, bad and wrong.


FB: Razvan Costea

LOVE: simple and efficient

love - simple and efficient

Love is one of the most powerful things in the Universe, if not the greatest.

It moves everything, matter, energy.

It symbolizes our attachment to our origins, to everything around us.

Did you know that every atom in your body was once part of a star?

It is true. So we are only stardust, which relates us with every animate being or inanimate object in the Universe.

We are all brothers and sisters, in some form or another. We are matter, but what is matter, if not Continue reading

The best things in life are free

best things in life are free

I must say that the person who spoke those words was very wise, and if you look around you and at your life you’ll agree.

You will discover that the life lessons that changed your destiny for the better and you as a person came free of charge.

You didn’t have to pay anything for them, not money, not anything else. They just happened.

You will see that the things you love most are free.

Happiness is free, love is free, life is free, communication is free, freedom is free, health is free, dreams are free, imagination is free, discovering new places and people is free, looking at the sunset is free.

The mistake we all make is that Continue reading